By Samantha Hillman
Editor of D&D’s Sunday Paper
I know it’s cool to hate Valentine’s Day - the set menus and the overpriced roses and the cheese and the litter and the Noah’s Ark two-by-two-or-perish-in-the-flood vibes. But here’s the thing: I’m not cool. Never have been, never will be. I love (!!LOVE!!) rom-coms, I live for themes, and pointless holidays animate me in a way that upping my street cred could never.
And while people might say to strip back the roses and the candlelit dinners, to dial down the earnest, syrupy triteness of it all and hone in on the (true?) meaning of the day (being loved / in love??). I reckon it’s more about ditching the being-in-love-as-a-pre-req vibe and going FULL!!! BLOODY!! THROTTLE!! on the balloons and the confetti and the hideous glitter-cards instead. Throwing love and lust and gimmicky heart-shaped stuff around in every direction - romantic or otherwise - in the trivial, joyful way that a hallmark holiday demands. Up the cheese, lower the sass and learn to live with yourself.
Happy Valentine’s Day to THIS BOOK ONLY.
If it isn’t a love like this I don’t want it.
But who needs love, when there is Luster.
If you don’t want cake, here’s a candle shaped like one.
HELLO I LOVE YOU to THIS lamp that emits a soft, marshmallowy light and boiled lolly vibes.
If you’re gonna cook up a storm (alone or otherwise) this feels like the correct sartorial flourish.
And if you do happen to find yourself in a relationship, for all of our sake don’t be this girl.