Molly is a bit of a perv when it comes to other people’s houses. Though aren’t we all, just a little bit? It’s fascinating to see how other people live - what kind of tea they drink, what sort of books they read, how they pass the afternoons, which colours make them happy.

We’ve spent a lot of time at home lately, for better or for worse. But we sort of see the extra downtime as a bit of a silver lining, you know? A chance to redress the balance a little. To slow down, reset, clear out the sock drawers and paint something fun. To remind ourselves of the simple, beautiful pleasures of a slower pace, of a life well-lived at home.

Throughout isolation we chatted to a few of our favorite creatives and took a look inside their homes. Partly because Molly was inconceivably thirsty to have a peek inside their lives. But also because we believe that whether or not we are physically allowed to leave the house, life at home - with its familiar rhythms and quiet, tender, ordinary joys - is something to celebrate.

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