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By Samantha Hillman

Editor of D&D’s Sunday Paper



It’s nearly (sort ?) Spring, which means it’s nearly (sort of?) appropriate to wear the Jag wide leg trousers as Outside Pants (especially because going outside will be more of a thing soon, too). But anyway, The Jag. I’d write about the jag print every week if they’d let me. It’s swoopy and romantic - big Rich Aunt Energy - and makes me feel like the sort of languid, extravagant person who drinks from a fancy glass bedside carafe, naps beneath a shimmering peach silk quilt, and spends much of the day stretched out upon a leopard-shaped rug, in a puddle of sunlight, eating grapes. 

There’s even a men's version of it too now! (if you’re a jaguar, I’m a jaguar). 



The hyper-realistic and hyper-mesmerizing oil paintings of Oriana Ingber, who aspires to create paintings full of “colour, joy and light” and does.  Look at this creamsicle one!

And - what a trope to say that something is “too pretty to eat,” but these beautiful jams and confectionaries almost are. Also, this cockatoo tea towel! It makes me homesick for Australia. But not as much as the descriptions of Sydney in this book do. 

Anyway, books! Yes. 

The Happy Reader continues to be a reliable source of utter joy. Have you read it? Do!  It’s edited by Seb Emina, who started The London Review of Breakfasts (RIP) which I still, to this day, re-read whenever I need a giggle. See also: The Breakfast Bible. And while we’re here, chatting about books, this podcast feels like I’m chatting to all my lovely bookish friends who are currently marooned elsewhere - like Imogen, for example, who recently wrote about the warm, fuzzy and utterly predictable pleasures to be found in the genre that is ‘grandma lit’. Especially useful in a world gone mad.

And speaking of which! Lockdown ! Seeing as it is (*touches wood, all the wood*) beginning to show signs of lifting, it only seems right to enjoy this playlist while we still can. It was made back in March 2020, when everyone was trading filthy glares in the supermarket and hoarding all the legumes. And it’s funny, my god it’s funny. Come for the hilariously on-theme hits (everything from The Police’s ‘Don’t Stand So Close to Me’ to Kanye West’s ‘Ghost Town’) and for the lyrics (‘I want to be where the people are’. Same). Stay for the actual great music. It almost (ALMOST) makes me nostalgic. 

Though not as nostalgic as this. 


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